Leaf of Life Plant
Plant Care,  Wellbeing

Discover the Amazing Benefits of the Leaf of Life Plant

I was recently gifted an amazing Leaf of Life plant by an aunt. Little did I know that this plant had such an amazing history as well as numerous physical and spiritual benefits. Read on to discover the many remarkable qualities of this plant.

Leaf of Life Origin Story

The Leaf of Life (Byrophyllum Pinnatum) a.k.a. Live forever, Love Bush, Air Plant, Kalanche Pinata, Tameawu is a succulent. This perennial hails from the lush paradise of Madagascar. In addition, it is also found in India, and South America and the Caribbean.

Antique drawing of Kalanchoe pinata Blanco by Francisco Blanco now in Public Domain
Discover the Amazing Benefits of the Leaf of Life
By Francisco Manuel Blanco (O.S.A.) – Flora de Filipinas […] Gran edicion […] [Atlas I].[1], Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5319343

Research Backs Folk Use

The scientific research continues to confirm local customary use of this plant. It has been found that the leaf extracts contain compounds that can reduce inflammation and pain. In traditional medicine, such as Chinese, and Ayurvedic medicine, it is said to promote longevity and spiritual health. Furthermore, it is found to be beneficial in improving the following conditions:

  • arthritis
  • muscle and joint pain
  • rashes
  • cuts
  • burns
  • kidney support
  • respiratory relief

This plant has the robustness of a weed and is not to be confused with the Tree of Life (acanthus leaves), as seems the case in some search engines.

Each leaf will produce many offspring, as long as it can find a suitable growing medium, which in some cases may only be water and air. Its ability to adapt to poor environmental conditions and resilience it has come to represent the continence of life.

Jamaica, Ghana Connection

Jamaica is a paradise for those interested in natural herbal remedies. There seems to be a plant for almost anything that ails you.

The use of the leaf of life plant has a long history in Jamaica where it can be found growing wild by the wayside, in every nook and cranny.

Ghana Tameawu (Leaf of Life) Spirituality

Historically, due to Jamaica’s colonial past, there is a large population of descendants of the Akan people from Ghana on the island. This group who hailed mainly from the gold coast of Ghana were known as Koromanti, which also the name of the language used by the Maroons of Jamaica. They brought not only some of their plants with them but also the knowledge of how to use them, including the leaf of life.


In Ghana today, the Leaf of Life plant is still held in high regard where it is called Tameawu. Ghanaians don’t play when it comes to this plant. The name “Tan me awu” or Tameawu in the Twi Language means ”hate me you die” due to its use in spiritual practices to raise consciousness, break curses, or to bring love and abundance. Place a leaf under your pillow and see what happens.

The ancestral legacy of tameawu/leaf of life now benefits the people of Jamaica and other Caribbean islands via juice for respiratory ailments and other conditions previously mentioned..

As with any herbal remedy, it is always recommended that you consult with your health practitioner to find out possible reactions with any conditions you may have.

How Jamaicans Use Leaf of Life

One thing Jamaicans don’t do with this plant, as far as I know, is smoke it. That being said this is how it used in Jamaica:

  1. Just pick a leaf and chew it.
  2. Blend it into a smoothie

Place one cup of leaves which have been cut into small pieces in a blender, add a little water or coconut water so the blender does not get stuck. Blend then strain the contents and squeeze the juice into a jar and sweeten with honey. You can also wrap the leaves in cheese cloth and mash, strain the juice. Use 2 tablespoons as required.

3. Tea – Take 3 or 4 large leaves and 6 ounces of water. Boil it and sweeten with a natural sweetener. Enjoy!

Growing Leaf of Life Indoors

If you live in a four season climate, then the leaf of life plant can only survive indoors in the winter. Don’t worry, it is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors. It is a strong and robust when given the right conditions.


This plant loves light. Although many sources will say bright indirect light. When it grows in the tropics it gets bright direct light, so I always go with nature.


A wide temperature is possible, but you get what you give. I have found the leaves are much smaller and a little stressed in the lower range. (50F -90F)


Although the leaf of life tends to be more forgiving when over watered, like any plant, soggy soil is detrimental as it will encourage pests which will damage the plant. Allow the soil to dry out between watering. The best way to avoid over watering is to use a moisture meter.

Propagation and Repotting

This is one of the easiest plants to propagate, hence the name, leaf of life, I have taken many dropped leaves to start new plants. You can also just leave the leaf where it falls in the pot and watch as new plants sprout from its edges.

If you cut the leaf and place the sections in soil it will also take root easily.

Repot about every 2-3 years depending on how much the plant grows in your environment.

Last thoughts…

Now that you have discovered the amazing benefits of the Leaf of Life plant and how it can benefit your health and well being, you can start growing your own. Maybe you were already familiar with some of its medicinal and spiritual uses. Let me know. You can enjoy the benefits of this succulent all year round by making it a member of your indoor plant family.

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