When I was last in Jamaica I was introduced to a refreshing and delicious drink. Who would have thought of the pairing cool cucumber with hot Jamaican ginger. It sounds like a bad date, but it tasted great. Especially with lots of ice.
I did not get the recipe at the time, but the version at Janette’s Delish De-Light by the beach in Negril, was amazing. It seemed to take forever to prepare, as they had apparently run out of cucumbers and had to get some, but it was worth it. What else was there to do sitting by the beach in Negril, but chill.
When I returned home I looked up the recipe online. I found that the drink is also used as a detox for the system.
This version is the closest to the one that I enjoyed in Jamaica and is brought to by Chef Ricardo, at Chef Ricardo Cooking. I personally cut back on the sugar as I do not need anything that sweet, but remember you can adjust for your own taste. Enjoy!
*Note that not all Ginger roots are the equal. Stores in Canada and the US, sell mainly Chinese ginger which is much milder. If you are looking for a stronger ginger taste, make sure it is Jamaican Ginger.